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Who are we?


EGaDS is UT Austin's student-led gaming organization with 400+ active members! Join speaker nights and workshops to engage with future industry stars!

What do we do?

In addition to our regular events listed on the About Page, we also hold two major events which our sponsors can participate in:


Texas Game Jam

Join EGaDS' Texas Game Jam, where 100+ games have been created with 150+ participants per year! Our sponsors get prime opportunities to engage with students through dinners, tabling, mentoring, and unique diversifiers!



Sponsor GDC^2, Texas' premier forum for students in programming, art, business, and more! Engage with students through tabling, game showcases, and meals.

What perks do sponsors get?

We have two sponsor tiers, each with their respective perks:

  • Rare: Small logo included on promotional material, speaking opportunities at events. For one major event (TXGJ or GDC^2), tabling space on exposition floors, Lunch and/or Dinner with participants,  can distribute swag.

  • Mythical: Rare benefits + large logo included on promotional material, media benefits including sponsored social media and Discord posts. For both major events, can promote games/products/services, gain access to an attendee resume book, and allocated a more prominent tabling space

Individual Memberships are also welcome. Contact us for details


If you are interested in sponsoring us, please contact us at:

The Gates-Dell Complex, University of Texas at Austin

2317 Speedway, Austin TX, 78712

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©2023 by EGaDS!

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