What's GDC²?
GDC² brings Texas’s local game development community together to exchange ideas, guide, and prepare young game developers to break into the games industry through an entire day of education, inspiration, and networking. GDC² attracts hundreds of attendees and is the primary forum in Texas where students in programming, art, production, game design, audio, business, and more meet with companies and representatives through tabling, game projects showcases, lunch, and dinner. The name GDC² is a play on words combining the Game Developer's Conference with the UT building EGaDS hosts all its events at (Gates-Dell Complex).
Previous Speakers at GDC²
Willem Kranendonk - level designer at Zynga
Gordon Walton - Executive Producer and Chief Product Officer at Playable Worlds
Daniel Rosenfeld (C418) - Composer for Minecraft
Brandon Reinhart - Developer from Valve Software
Renee Wooten - Producer at Zynga
Alex Nenadavets - Former analyst on World of Tanks
Euna F. Park - Gameplay Animator at That's No Moon
Mason Eastman - programmer at Bethesda